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Updates and Reminders - Jan. 26, 2024

I want to thank everyone for the support we had for our recess sledding adventures earlier in the week.  I was so impressed with how well the kids handled sharing the sleds, waiting turns, and cheering each other on.  Overall, we are hoping that we helped to create some more positive school memories for the students that they will remember for a long time.  Here are some additional updates and reminders:

  • A reminder to those who signed up that tonight is Home and School’s Hobby Night.   Set up begins at 6:45 and the doors open to observers at 7:00.  The event will end at 8:00.  Please no drop-offs.
  • Home and School is also preparing for this year’s Lip Sync, which will be held at the High School on March 7th at 7:00pm.  Lip Sync is traditionally one of our biggest events and a fun way for our kids to get involved.  See the link to sign up for Lip Sync.  The deadline is January 31st
  • Thank you to everyone who contributed to the Bean Bag 100 box collection this week.  Since we missed Wednesday, we are going to extend the collection to Monday.  The items being collected can be found on the Bean Bag Program Collection flyer.  
  • We are in the early stages of planning for a career day or week that we hope to have in March.  Our goal is to have parents come in and share about their careers and their path to that career.  We are hoping to have a wide variety of careers and paths represented.  More information will be shared as the planning continues, but we would like to get a general idea of the interest level of our parents.  We understand that once we make the final plans, that some may not be able to make it due to the times we choose, but if you would be willing to participate, please complete the Career Sharing survey.  Thank you!
  • If you are looking for work, the district is looking for part-time custodians and substitute secretaries among other positions.  You can find the listings on the District's Employment Web page.
  • We are excited to bring back our 3rd grade play this year, which will be on March 22nd.
  • And finally, just a friendly reminder to please drop your child off at school by 8:40am.  This allows them enough time to get to their homeroom and helps you avoid the sign in process.
  • Here is the latest episode of News From The Nest.  

Thank you for your continued support!