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Updates and Reminders - Feb. 9, 2024

It has been nice to have a break in the weather this past week.  The kids have finally been able to use the fields and equipment at recess.  Here are some additional updates and reminders:

  • On Wednesday, February 14th we will end the day with our Valentine Socials.  Thanks to Home and School and our Homeroom Parents for organizing the volunteers for these events.
  • There is no school on Friday, February 16th and Monday, February 19th for the President’s Day holiday. 
  • 4th grade will be sponsoring another Pretzel Day next week.  Orders will be taken on Tuesday, February 13th and pretzels will be delivered on Thursday, February 15th.
  • PSSA testing for 3rd, 4th and 5th grade students (only) take place from April 25th through May 5th.  Just another reminder that I am unable to excuse absences for trips for 3rd, 4th and 5th graders during that window. 
  • Here is the latest episode of News From The Nest.  

Thank you for your continued support!