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Updates and Reminders - Sept. 22, 2023

We ended a great week in style with our Owl Time Assembly!   It was great to see some of our 5th graders lead the assembly.  We reviewed some safety tips, learned about Respect, our Character Counts trait for September, and celebrated some achievements.  All in all, it was a great assembly.  Here are a few additional updates and reminders:

  • Our next focus for safety is the bus, which we reviewed at the assembly as well.  I have been asked by several drivers to visit their bus to remind students about being safe on the bus.  If your child rides the bus, a simple reminder from home to be safe on the bus by staying in our seat, talking quietly and making sure we face forward would go a long way towards helping the cause.
  • Just a reminder that there is no school on Monday, September 25th in observance of Yom Kippur. 
  • Today we had volunteers from Home and School turn the ropes at recess for Jump Rope Club.  We are so thankful to have another activity for the students to do at recess on Fridays.
  • Thank you also to Home and School for another fantastic Back to School Bash.  I heard it was a great night!  Thanks to everyone who came out to celebrate the start of the school year!
  • Every other year we honor Veterans with a special Owl Time Assembly.  We learn about how Veterans served our country.  On Friday, November 10th, we will honor our Oak Ridge Family Veterans at our Owl Time Assembly.  If you have a Veteran in your family, please feel free to invite them to be honored.  If they are able to come, you can fill in the Veterans Day Assembly RSVP Form so we are prepared for how many chairs we will need.  If you have a Veteran that cannot make it, but your child still wants to honor them. 
  • Mark your calendars for Picture Day on October 4th and Walk to School Day on October 5th
  • Next Friday we will begin Fun Fridays.  Every Friday we incorporate some fun school-wide challenge or activity for classes to do.  We are starting off with a very special Fun Friday, which I will share with you the morning of through email.  I think the kids will be excited.
  • Here is the latest episode of News From The Nest.