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Updates and Reminders - June 9, 2023

It was nice for the students to finally get to enjoy the outdoors for recess the last full day of school.  We are down to two school days.  Here are some items to keep you up to date for the end of the year:

  • Monday, June 12th- 1:45 pm Dismissal
    • Graduating High School Seniors will come back to visit and walk the halls.
    • 5th graders will be honored during our annual Moving Up Ceremony at 12:00.  Just a reminder to our 5th grade families that we only have space for a maximum of four people per family.  Also, we do not have younger siblings attend the event. They will see the video at our end of year assembly.
  • Tuesday, June 13th- 10:45 am Dismissal
    • End of year assembly and activity TBD
  • Here is the last episode of News From The Nest!  Thank you to Mrs. Irvin and her crew for making sure the show got out each week!!  Enjoy!

Thank you for your continued support!